Laser Cut Metal Gate with Custom Ningaloo Underwater/Ocean Design
Laser Cut Metal Gate with Custom Ningaloo Underwater/Ocean Design
I was thrilled to see this custom designed laser cut gate installed this week. There is a certain generic look with most laser cut steel fences I see when driving around the suburbs. Having now designed my first, I can see why many opt for simplicity. This however, was not my brief. My client wanted this fence to be the talk of the street with lots of intricacies of underwater life with whalesharks, fish, octopus, manta rays, weed, seahorse, sharks, crabs, anchor and chain. This didn’t take one go, it took much trial-and-error but the result is a fence that will be remembered by drivers by!
Children from the neighbourhood have been sitting at the gate and looking carefully for different sea creatures amidst the coral and weed. It has become a functional art installation in the front yard...
Sing out if you have a fence that needs some customisation. Perfect for residential, but also commercial fences.